Premiere Throwbacks: Celebrate Festival

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In honor of Israel’s 67th Inde­pen­dence day, the Cel­e­brate Israel fes­ti­val was held on Sun­day, May 17th at the Cheviot Hills Recre­ation Cen­ter at Ran­cho Park with about 20,000 atten­dees. The theme was Jerusalem of Gold, and the event gave all those in atten­dance the oppor­tu­nity to visit dif­fer­ent sites of Jerusalem, learn about the city, take part in many hands-on projects and expe­ri­ence the magic of the city. Pre­miere Events was happy to be there beer gar­den ven­dor, pro­vid­ing the event with a vari­ety of kosher bev­er­ages includ­ing  beer, wine, and pre­mium spirits.

Pho­tos by Insta­gram Users: @campkachollavan, @or_tomer, @cristalee88, @eventprosla, @insta_global, @jewishnfamous, @kerenkofficial, @koshadillz