Hollywood Chamber of Commerce - All Hallows' Eve Event

This year, we had the spook-tastic opportunity of working with the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for their All Hallows' Eve Party located on a graveyard. Check out the photos from the out-of-this-(under)world Halloween event at the Hollywood Memorial Park and Cemetery!

Posted by Caleigh Wells, Premiere Events Digital Marketing Intern - caleigh@premierela.com

Premiere Throwbacks: Jane & Kenneth’s Wedding at Lot 613


August 9th was a beau­ti­ful day for a Cam­bo­dian wed­ding! Jane and Ken­neth were wed at this sunny cer­e­mony, com­plete with pink accents and gor­geous flo­ral cen­ter­pieces. Pre­miere Events was happy to offer Lot 613 as a venue space to host friends and loved ones.


Tray passed appe­tiz­ers included grilled flank steak skew­ers, bacon wrapped apri­cots, and hearts of palm and arti­choke frit­ters with aioli. The entree was cor­nish game hens, with gar­lic mashed pota­toes and roasted corn with aspara­gus. Guests enjoyed dessert options of banana bread pud­ding with caramel sauce, mini vanilla bean creme brulee, oreo cookie cheese­cake squares, and mini coconut cup­cakes with mar­garita frost­ing. Yum!


To top off the night, Pre­miere Events offered a full bar with vodka, gin, rum, tequila, beer, and wine for guests to enjoy all night long.

Pre­miere Events loves wed­dings! Con­grat­u­la­tions to the beau­ti­ful bride and groom, we wish you a life­time of happiness.

Premiere Throwbacks: Ray Ban/Boiler Room Event at Moonlight Rollerway!


Ray Ban and Boiler Room col­lab­o­rated with Pre­miere Events and Moon­light Roller­way to put on a super fun night full of roller skat­ing, music, and deli­cious drinks.  Guests could RSVP to be put on the VIP list to ensure their entrance to the event and just a cou­ple hours in, they were glad they did. The event was hugely suc­cess­ful — the place was packed — and DJ Snoopadelic, Dam-Funk, Thun­der­cat, DJ Quik, Danny Krivit, Nicky Slano, and Eamon Harkin & Justin Carter made appear­ances on the stage. It was a funky night to remem­ber with a wide vari­ety of music that got every­one on the rink. Pre­miere pro­vided the bar ser­vice that included Conca Vodka, Jame­son and beer for the enjoy­ment of our guests.

Insta­gram pho­tos cour­tesy of: @ellenooch @streicherhair @heartspadeslove @aissathalia @rayban @concavodka

Premiere Throwback: August 24th, 2015

Posted by Caleigh Wells, Premiere Events Digital Marketing Intern - caleigh@premierela.com